4 Grenfell Drive, Corner Brook, NL
Corner Brook: 632-2266

Health FIT

Health FIT

Health FIT is the collaboration between a physiotherapist, dietitian and kinesiologist to provide the most effective healthy lifestyle management programs for individuals. Each program includes a full assessment of an individual’s physical condition, customized healthwise plan and monitoring for a 12 week period.

Diabetes FIT

This 12 week program is designed to help anyone living with diabetes manage their daily physical activity and blood sugar levels. Our professionals will meet your needs, whether you have Type 1,2 or pre-diabetes by prescribing healthy goals to regulate your physical demands.

Body FIT

Each participant in this program will benefit from the expertise of three health care professionals to help develop and maintain healthy living practices. There are a range of conditions that can be improved with exercise and a healthy diet, whether it be high cholesterol, obesity or arthritis.

Cardio FIT

Individuals who have suffered from a heart condition or event will benefit from having their cardiologist and our staff collaborate in designing a unique exercise routine for their recovery. Our goal is to rehabilitate each client to optimal recovery which includes reducing stress, improving blood pressure and increasing strength and endurance.